Some times you just have to bow to better thinkers and so here is a comment by my nephew, MR.
The title of that article is unequivocally misleading! Obama is clearly referring to the constant fighting as the "constant sore" that won't go away, not the nation of Israel. I think that he is correct with regard to the settlement issue as well. Israel has repeatedly stood in defiance of U.N. Resolutions as they continue to expandupon their existing settlements. Ma'ale Adumin, for instance, is a settlement that has been continuously expanded upon for years, now housing hundreds of thousands of Jews in what should be the heart of the Palestinian state in the West Bank.
When you look at the three biggest impediments to peace: the right of return for the refugees of 1948, a return to the pre-1967 borders, and the issue of Jerusalem, the settlement dilemma interferes with the latter two of those issues. The right of return for refugees will obviously never happen, nor will there be a return to pre-1967 borders; however, the expansion which is taking place in the West Bank speaks much less to being a security structure than being a tool for other political gains.
Settlements like Ma'ale Adumin jut out into West Bank, creating a quasi divide between the north and south of the land, forming somewhat of an hour glass shape. This hinders the flow of people and commerce within the state. More importantly, however, is the position and formation of these settlements. If you look at where many of them are positioned, they encircle Jerusalem from the east. This serves to block access for Arabs to the city from the east; it is reasonable to think that Jerusalem could someday become subsumed into Israel proper.
Israel's military, political, and economic superiority over the Palestinians is plainly evident and so wholly overwhelming that it is unlikely to believe that there will be a sustainable peace created within the foreseeable future; unless you have bargaining chips, you cannot negotiate. However, the expansion of settlements only shows a tendency of Israel to want to dominate their poor neighbors - it is unnecessary on every practical front. The buffer that these settlements were supposed to provide for the nation can easily be created in other ways: the erection of the massive peace walls, UAVs (Israel's are the most advanced in the world), guard towers, etc.
The settlement issue is very complex, with many actors fighting for and against their existence and expansion. I don't think they serve a useful purpose anymore; I do think they impinge upon even having a faint hope that a peace settlement is possible. They continue to push Israel's borders further away from their pre-1967 positions, and they are choking off the very city that the Palestinians wish to call their capital. I'm not about to pass judgement on whether this is right or wrong, but from a pragmatic perspective, all they do is exacerbate what are already seemingly insurmountable points of conflict.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Your most import resource
Your most important resource is not your bank account or your house, but your knowledge. What you know and how you use your knowledge, is what sets you apart at work and in your community. If you are looking for a new job or a promotion or sometimes, especially in a down economy, you need to know more and be able to apply that information to your position.
If you want to progress in your field you will never stop learning. That means that you need to put effort into learning, the more progress you want the more effort you will want to put into learning. But is that really that hard to do? How many hours do you spend watching television in one day? What if you took fifteen to thirty minutes every day into reading a book in your field, or a biography of someone who excels in your profession?
There is a reason that top companies spend millions every year in training of their employees and that reason is that they get a greater return from that investment. If the company is willing to invest in you don’t you think that you should do the same? We have an ability to learn vast amounts and we are, for the most part, not doing it.
When you are in the car, instead of listening to the radio or that CD, why not listen to something that will improve your life. Discover things that you never knew before and I am not saying that you should focus only on knowledge that impacts your job. Learn about things that you enjoy and that can be what ever you enjoy. Who knows, you may find that you will be changing jobs for something that makes you happy. Read what ever you can about your field and what you enjoy and you could be an expert in your field in a few years.
If you want to progress in your field you will never stop learning. That means that you need to put effort into learning, the more progress you want the more effort you will want to put into learning. But is that really that hard to do? How many hours do you spend watching television in one day? What if you took fifteen to thirty minutes every day into reading a book in your field, or a biography of someone who excels in your profession?
There is a reason that top companies spend millions every year in training of their employees and that reason is that they get a greater return from that investment. If the company is willing to invest in you don’t you think that you should do the same? We have an ability to learn vast amounts and we are, for the most part, not doing it.
When you are in the car, instead of listening to the radio or that CD, why not listen to something that will improve your life. Discover things that you never knew before and I am not saying that you should focus only on knowledge that impacts your job. Learn about things that you enjoy and that can be what ever you enjoy. Who knows, you may find that you will be changing jobs for something that makes you happy. Read what ever you can about your field and what you enjoy and you could be an expert in your field in a few years.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Wood Power
"Vision is the art of seeing the invisible." Jonathan Swift
Seems like wood is making a come back in Europe where it is being used either in combination with or substituting for coal. There are even a number of European companies building facilities that make wood pellets in the United States. All of this in order to reduce their CO2 emissions and avoid the cost of other fuels.
There are even cooperatives being setup which help farmers increase their income by up to 15%. But think about it; why not add municipalities to these corporative or whoever it is that halls away yard waste.
There is another reason for these co-ops being formed between farmers and municipalities. How much ‘unused’ land is along our roadsides, especially where there are divided highways? What would it mean to the production of wood pellets if these lands were used to grow fast growing trees? By combining the farmers with local municipalities they would be able to share the cost of building these plants.
Converting oil burning furnaces to wood pellet would decrease our dependence on foreign oil. Getting coal burning plants in America to use wood pellets would decrease their carbon footprint as well as reduce acid rain which would be helpful to those downwind of the plants, while creating jobs within this country.
"It seems to me that it's actually harder to invent excuses than it is to be successful."span> Jeffrey Gitomer
Seems like wood is making a come back in Europe where it is being used either in combination with or substituting for coal. There are even a number of European companies building facilities that make wood pellets in the United States. All of this in order to reduce their CO2 emissions and avoid the cost of other fuels.
There are even cooperatives being setup which help farmers increase their income by up to 15%. But think about it; why not add municipalities to these corporative or whoever it is that halls away yard waste.
There is another reason for these co-ops being formed between farmers and municipalities. How much ‘unused’ land is along our roadsides, especially where there are divided highways? What would it mean to the production of wood pellets if these lands were used to grow fast growing trees? By combining the farmers with local municipalities they would be able to share the cost of building these plants.
Converting oil burning furnaces to wood pellet would decrease our dependence on foreign oil. Getting coal burning plants in America to use wood pellets would decrease their carbon footprint as well as reduce acid rain which would be helpful to those downwind of the plants, while creating jobs within this country.
"It seems to me that it's actually harder to invent excuses than it is to be successful."span> Jeffrey Gitomer
Monday, April 21, 2008
Wind Power
"Lost time is never found again." Benjamin Franklin
Well if you can not come up with a solar power ceiling fan or want a different way of providing power to you ceiling fans would be wind power. These fans may or may not have to have a battery when the wind is not blowing enough to provide sufficient power for your fans, but I would think that something like that would be easy enough to come up with.
We often see giant wind turbines along the crests of hills and may or may not see them off the coast of Cape Cod, all of which depends on the “not in my back yard” syndrome. Why not have small systems for homes, systems that do not have to stick hundreds of feet above your home.
There has to be a way to have a small system that can be integrated into your home and look like it belongs there. What about the tops of barns or buildings in the cities. Can they be integrated into these taller structures which give them a better access to the wind? What about homes along the coasts providing their own power taking them off of the grid? Again, these systems do not have to provide the total power requirements of the facility they are attached to, but rather provide a sufficient percentage of the power to help pay for the system.
I know that if a “home” system can be developed that would provide heat for my home in the cooler months, which sometimes range from September to May in sunny Syracuse what would that mean for reduction of our carbon footprint, reliance on foreign oil and more money in my pocket.
”Good ideas are not adopted automatically. They must be driven into practice with courageous impatience.” Hyman Rickover
Well if you can not come up with a solar power ceiling fan or want a different way of providing power to you ceiling fans would be wind power. These fans may or may not have to have a battery when the wind is not blowing enough to provide sufficient power for your fans, but I would think that something like that would be easy enough to come up with.
We often see giant wind turbines along the crests of hills and may or may not see them off the coast of Cape Cod, all of which depends on the “not in my back yard” syndrome. Why not have small systems for homes, systems that do not have to stick hundreds of feet above your home.
There has to be a way to have a small system that can be integrated into your home and look like it belongs there. What about the tops of barns or buildings in the cities. Can they be integrated into these taller structures which give them a better access to the wind? What about homes along the coasts providing their own power taking them off of the grid? Again, these systems do not have to provide the total power requirements of the facility they are attached to, but rather provide a sufficient percentage of the power to help pay for the system.
I know that if a “home” system can be developed that would provide heat for my home in the cooler months, which sometimes range from September to May in sunny Syracuse what would that mean for reduction of our carbon footprint, reliance on foreign oil and more money in my pocket.
”Good ideas are not adopted automatically. They must be driven into practice with courageous impatience.” Hyman Rickover
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Ceiling Fans
"You are a potential genius; there is no problem you cannot solve, and no answer you cannot find somewhere." Brian Tracy
One of the best things I ever did for my house was to install ceiling fans in each of the four bedrooms as well as the family room. With these fans we are usually able to avoid running the air conditioning, saving us a boat load of money; you can save approximately 14% of your cooling costs with a ceiling fan. With solar powered attic fans, does anyone know of a company which sells solar powered ceiling fans?
I realize that these fans would have to have batteries to run at night when the sun goes down, but I would think that something like that would be easy enough to come up with. But even if these fans only ran during the day time they would be great for people that stay at home or for small businesses.
The next thing would be to have these fans with their motors outside of the living area. No matter your ceiling fans run on the motor creates heat when it is running so you should not run them when you are not in the room. So then why doesn’t a company come up with ceiling fans that have their motors outside of the living area? By placing the motor in the attic I would not be adding heat to the house keeping it cooler as well as not adding an additional heat source when the air conditioning is on. All of which would mean a reduction of our carbon footprint, reliance on foreign oil and more money in my pocket.
“The only thing that keeps a man going is energy. And what is energy but liking life?” Louis Auchincloss
One of the best things I ever did for my house was to install ceiling fans in each of the four bedrooms as well as the family room. With these fans we are usually able to avoid running the air conditioning, saving us a boat load of money; you can save approximately 14% of your cooling costs with a ceiling fan. With solar powered attic fans, does anyone know of a company which sells solar powered ceiling fans?
I realize that these fans would have to have batteries to run at night when the sun goes down, but I would think that something like that would be easy enough to come up with. But even if these fans only ran during the day time they would be great for people that stay at home or for small businesses.
The next thing would be to have these fans with their motors outside of the living area. No matter your ceiling fans run on the motor creates heat when it is running so you should not run them when you are not in the room. So then why doesn’t a company come up with ceiling fans that have their motors outside of the living area? By placing the motor in the attic I would not be adding heat to the house keeping it cooler as well as not adding an additional heat source when the air conditioning is on. All of which would mean a reduction of our carbon footprint, reliance on foreign oil and more money in my pocket.
“The only thing that keeps a man going is energy. And what is energy but liking life?” Louis Auchincloss
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Solar Power; not the next blockbuster
"I used to say, 'Things cost too much.' Then my teacher straightened me out on that by saying, 'The problem isn't that things cost too much. The problem is that you can't afford it.' That's when I finally understood that the problem wasn't 'it' - the problem was 'me.’” Jim Rohn
Does Solar Energy have to be a blockbuster? I do not think that it does, what it needs to do is to work at a level consistent with the demands of the individual. Maybe in order to reduce our carbon footprint, reduce dependency on foreign oil, or simply reduce our utility bills we need smaller projects. Where are the people or companies who will come up with “solar kits” that are easy to install and have the ability to be added to?
A simple kit that would provide enough power supply all of the electric power for our homes when no one is home, thus freeing up energy for other uses. They already make solar powered attic fans so why not solar powered ceiling fans? What about a solar power kit that would charge an electric lawn mower?
The benefit of smaller solar electric systems is endless and since they would be cheaper than a total solar power system more people could afford them.
“Action conquers fear.” Peter N. Zarlenga
Does Solar Energy have to be a blockbuster? I do not think that it does, what it needs to do is to work at a level consistent with the demands of the individual. Maybe in order to reduce our carbon footprint, reduce dependency on foreign oil, or simply reduce our utility bills we need smaller projects. Where are the people or companies who will come up with “solar kits” that are easy to install and have the ability to be added to?
A simple kit that would provide enough power supply all of the electric power for our homes when no one is home, thus freeing up energy for other uses. They already make solar powered attic fans so why not solar powered ceiling fans? What about a solar power kit that would charge an electric lawn mower?
The benefit of smaller solar electric systems is endless and since they would be cheaper than a total solar power system more people could afford them.
“Action conquers fear.” Peter N. Zarlenga
Friday, April 4, 2008
Working Together for Solar Power
"A man can get discouraged many times but he is not a failure until he begins to blame somebody else and stops trying." John Burroughs
I just finished reading an article by Jeffery Combs, “Time: Your Most Valuable Commodity” and he talked about the concept of Return on Investment (ROI) and expanded on that paradigm to “Return On Time, Action, and Energy” (ROTAE).
With all of the stress on teamwork in this country as a way to be competitive on a global sense, we should think about it on a local basis. I talked about providing schools and/or a homeless shelter with solar panels to provide not only utilities to these facilities, but also much needed revenue.
So what could this team consist of? You have the facilities themselves, the schools and charitable facilities in your area. Then add to that people that support these schools, whether it is the PTA, PTO or booster clubs. The utilities that provide these buildings with their power, instead of building new generating facilities, use the massive space that makes up the coverings of these buildings to generate their own power as well as power for the utilities.
Environmental groups should join the effort, instead of suing municipalities they can work with them to provide clean, pollution free energy. Charities should find support from these groups to not only provide solar power to these facilities, but also ways to improve their energy use.
Working together we can lessen our dependence on foreign energy sources, reduce the impact of these facilities on global warming. Working together to meet our individual and organizational goals not only can we make this a better world, but do so sooner than later.
"What I am doing today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it. -Unknown
I just finished reading an article by Jeffery Combs, “Time: Your Most Valuable Commodity” and he talked about the concept of Return on Investment (ROI) and expanded on that paradigm to “Return On Time, Action, and Energy” (ROTAE).
With all of the stress on teamwork in this country as a way to be competitive on a global sense, we should think about it on a local basis. I talked about providing schools and/or a homeless shelter with solar panels to provide not only utilities to these facilities, but also much needed revenue.
So what could this team consist of? You have the facilities themselves, the schools and charitable facilities in your area. Then add to that people that support these schools, whether it is the PTA, PTO or booster clubs. The utilities that provide these buildings with their power, instead of building new generating facilities, use the massive space that makes up the coverings of these buildings to generate their own power as well as power for the utilities.
Environmental groups should join the effort, instead of suing municipalities they can work with them to provide clean, pollution free energy. Charities should find support from these groups to not only provide solar power to these facilities, but also ways to improve their energy use.
Working together we can lessen our dependence on foreign energy sources, reduce the impact of these facilities on global warming. Working together to meet our individual and organizational goals not only can we make this a better world, but do so sooner than later.
"What I am doing today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it. -Unknown
Friday, March 28, 2008
Solar Power for Charity
“Too many people miss the silver lining because they're expecting gold." Maurice Setter
I have rarely approved of government programs as I believe that they are put into place as a way to control the citizens of this, or any, country. If it were not so these programs would end when the project was completed. There are some programs which can not end, defense, government itself, etc. but that should be a rarity.
In the last article I talked about the state of New York working with individuals to make their homes energy independent. I also brought up the idea that the state should work together with schools and install solar panels on these buildings to relieve taxes payers of some of the cost of the school buy selling excess power, as well as provide electric power to homes and businesses in the area
Well what about other institutions? There is a men’s homeless shelter located in a poorer section of town that uses what is basically a warehouse to provide these men with a place to sleep. For all of those organizations who want to stop global warming, for all of those charities that support those in need why not find something that they can work on together?
If the men’s shelter was covered with solar panels what effect would that have on this charitable organization? Would they be able to eliminate expenditures for heating and lighting of the facility? Would they be able to free up money to provide more and improved services for those in need?
Sell the excess electricity to the water treatment plant and homes around it and what would that mean to the community? The money earned from the excess power could be used to improve the lives of these homeless men as well as provide them and the community at large with additional services.
"Genius is there in all of us, just waiting for us to tap into it." Robert R. Toth
I have rarely approved of government programs as I believe that they are put into place as a way to control the citizens of this, or any, country. If it were not so these programs would end when the project was completed. There are some programs which can not end, defense, government itself, etc. but that should be a rarity.
In the last article I talked about the state of New York working with individuals to make their homes energy independent. I also brought up the idea that the state should work together with schools and install solar panels on these buildings to relieve taxes payers of some of the cost of the school buy selling excess power, as well as provide electric power to homes and businesses in the area
Well what about other institutions? There is a men’s homeless shelter located in a poorer section of town that uses what is basically a warehouse to provide these men with a place to sleep. For all of those organizations who want to stop global warming, for all of those charities that support those in need why not find something that they can work on together?
If the men’s shelter was covered with solar panels what effect would that have on this charitable organization? Would they be able to eliminate expenditures for heating and lighting of the facility? Would they be able to free up money to provide more and improved services for those in need?
Sell the excess electricity to the water treatment plant and homes around it and what would that mean to the community? The money earned from the excess power could be used to improve the lives of these homeless men as well as provide them and the community at large with additional services.
"Genius is there in all of us, just waiting for us to tap into it." Robert R. Toth
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Solar Power
“Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it." Thomas Fuller
I read an interesting article in my local newspaper a few weeks ago about New York State having a program that helps people install solar panels on their homes. Great program and it only costs approximately forty cents per house hold per month added onto your electric bill. That is only $4.80 per year per household.
Now without adding business, which I would assume pay more into this program, that would mean that if the number of households in the state of New York, the state pulls in over twenty-two million ($22,000,000) per year. The problem I have with this program is where is all of the money going? From what I read, with a limit if three thousand dollars a home we would have seventy-six hundred (7,600) homes every year converting to solar, if they are willing to pay for the panels and what ever installation costs that are over the limit.
The question I have is where does the rest of that money go? Does it stay in a ‘lockbox’ as Al Gore talked about Social Security or does it just disappear into the general fund? If it just disappears into the general funds then, why not lower the fee that everyone is paying.
Since governments never want to stop taking from their citizens, then there should be another way of using the funds for the purpose that they were collected for. Why does the State of New York offer additional funding to those people who spent the money to install solar power on their homes? Why not take the moneies and start installing solar power onto schools in the State? Think about not only would that supposedly, remember what I said about governments not wanting to stop taking from their citizens, lower your taxes but help the environment.
Since most schools are closed in the summer, the time of year when the demand for electricity goes up, the schools could sell the power lowering their demand for money on the people. Reduction in power requirements from our utilities. All that would be required is that the schools pay back the monies over time, that they received for the systems in the beginning and after that the money that they bring in would be theirs.
“"Problems are only opportunities in work clothes." " Henry J. Kaiser
I read an interesting article in my local newspaper a few weeks ago about New York State having a program that helps people install solar panels on their homes. Great program and it only costs approximately forty cents per house hold per month added onto your electric bill. That is only $4.80 per year per household.
Now without adding business, which I would assume pay more into this program, that would mean that if the number of households in the state of New York, the state pulls in over twenty-two million ($22,000,000) per year. The problem I have with this program is where is all of the money going? From what I read, with a limit if three thousand dollars a home we would have seventy-six hundred (7,600) homes every year converting to solar, if they are willing to pay for the panels and what ever installation costs that are over the limit.
The question I have is where does the rest of that money go? Does it stay in a ‘lockbox’ as Al Gore talked about Social Security or does it just disappear into the general fund? If it just disappears into the general funds then, why not lower the fee that everyone is paying.
Since governments never want to stop taking from their citizens, then there should be another way of using the funds for the purpose that they were collected for. Why does the State of New York offer additional funding to those people who spent the money to install solar power on their homes? Why not take the moneies and start installing solar power onto schools in the State? Think about not only would that supposedly, remember what I said about governments not wanting to stop taking from their citizens, lower your taxes but help the environment.
Since most schools are closed in the summer, the time of year when the demand for electricity goes up, the schools could sell the power lowering their demand for money on the people. Reduction in power requirements from our utilities. All that would be required is that the schools pay back the monies over time, that they received for the systems in the beginning and after that the money that they bring in would be theirs.
“"Problems are only opportunities in work clothes." " Henry J. Kaiser
Monday, March 17, 2008
Increase your earnings
“The starting point of all achievement is desire. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desires bring weak results, just as a small amount of fire makes a small amount of heat. " Napoleon Hill
People are always talking about using their money wisely or saving it, likewise with resources, but do they? One of the biggest resources you have and one that can never be replaced with another is time. Think about it. If oil runs out we will be able to use something else to power our society.
You have 86, 400 seconds, or 1, 440 minutes, or 24 hours in a day, so what are you doing with them? Are you working harder, putting in overtime or working a second job in order to make the money you would like? Or are you looking at what would make you happy and spending time on that forgoing the pursuit of money because you do not want to or have enough for what you want in life.
People who work harder do not always get the promotions and the raises and if they do they reach a ‘glass ceiling’ once their education starts to fall behind. So how do you break that glass ceiling?
The first thing you have to understand is the game which is played within a/your company. If any of you played sports you had a play book and you had practices and you had team work, unless of course you were in an individual sport. But even then, in an individual sport, you had a coach, maybe a trainer, and other people on the team who you may not have played with against an opponent but they were there.
When I went into the service my father told me a few things about how it was before the war, WWII, and how lucky I was. Well most of the things he said would not happen anymore were unfortunately not true, but finding someone who knew the game kept me from reinventing the wheel thus avoiding a large number of mistakes. When I got out of the service a friend of mine who was a police officer told me to find myself a rabbi and to learn from that person.
Every business, sport or service has these people. People who know how the game is played and are willing to share it with you so learn from them. I am sure that people have seen that what is written in the ‘guidelines’ or promotions for the business you are in are not always true. That hard work and dedication do not always pay off and have seen someone who they thought would never get the promotion get one over you.
Instead of calling them a brown nose or whatever, look at how they got the promotion and follow their lead. Obviously there are plenty of ways to get promoted and some of the ways may not suit your personality, but then there is more than one way to get a promotion.
There are also going to be those people who have reached their glass ceiling after working hard their entire career, but can not seem to get ahead. They may even have to train their bosses in the job that they feel should be their. I worked with such a man who was lucky enough not only to have a friend who gave them good advise as to how to get that promotion, but was smart enough to give it a try.
You see we worked for a Swiss company that was very degree oriented and this man did not have the piece of paper. He started taking my bosses advice, completing his degree at night school and getting the promotion the next time the job opened up.
Now you can complain about the fact that you do not have that piece of paper or do something about it. Take a class at night, if you are reading this you can find accredited colleges that allow you to complete a degree at your pace. The University of Phoenix allows you to complete a class every five weeks. One of the ladies I worked with took these classes even though she already had a Master’s degree in the sciences and received her MBA just in time to get laid off, receive a severance package and get a new job within a month.
“Luck is where preparation and opportunity meet" Napoleon
People are always talking about using their money wisely or saving it, likewise with resources, but do they? One of the biggest resources you have and one that can never be replaced with another is time. Think about it. If oil runs out we will be able to use something else to power our society.
You have 86, 400 seconds, or 1, 440 minutes, or 24 hours in a day, so what are you doing with them? Are you working harder, putting in overtime or working a second job in order to make the money you would like? Or are you looking at what would make you happy and spending time on that forgoing the pursuit of money because you do not want to or have enough for what you want in life.
People who work harder do not always get the promotions and the raises and if they do they reach a ‘glass ceiling’ once their education starts to fall behind. So how do you break that glass ceiling?
The first thing you have to understand is the game which is played within a/your company. If any of you played sports you had a play book and you had practices and you had team work, unless of course you were in an individual sport. But even then, in an individual sport, you had a coach, maybe a trainer, and other people on the team who you may not have played with against an opponent but they were there.
When I went into the service my father told me a few things about how it was before the war, WWII, and how lucky I was. Well most of the things he said would not happen anymore were unfortunately not true, but finding someone who knew the game kept me from reinventing the wheel thus avoiding a large number of mistakes. When I got out of the service a friend of mine who was a police officer told me to find myself a rabbi and to learn from that person.
Every business, sport or service has these people. People who know how the game is played and are willing to share it with you so learn from them. I am sure that people have seen that what is written in the ‘guidelines’ or promotions for the business you are in are not always true. That hard work and dedication do not always pay off and have seen someone who they thought would never get the promotion get one over you.
Instead of calling them a brown nose or whatever, look at how they got the promotion and follow their lead. Obviously there are plenty of ways to get promoted and some of the ways may not suit your personality, but then there is more than one way to get a promotion.
There are also going to be those people who have reached their glass ceiling after working hard their entire career, but can not seem to get ahead. They may even have to train their bosses in the job that they feel should be their. I worked with such a man who was lucky enough not only to have a friend who gave them good advise as to how to get that promotion, but was smart enough to give it a try.
You see we worked for a Swiss company that was very degree oriented and this man did not have the piece of paper. He started taking my bosses advice, completing his degree at night school and getting the promotion the next time the job opened up.
Now you can complain about the fact that you do not have that piece of paper or do something about it. Take a class at night, if you are reading this you can find accredited colleges that allow you to complete a degree at your pace. The University of Phoenix allows you to complete a class every five weeks. One of the ladies I worked with took these classes even though she already had a Master’s degree in the sciences and received her MBA just in time to get laid off, receive a severance package and get a new job within a month.
“Luck is where preparation and opportunity meet" Napoleon
Cutting your air conditioning bill
“The energy of the mind is the essence of life." Aristotle
Not all savings on your electric bill has to come from reducing the amount of energy you use. There is also the possibility of changing when the power is used, thus receiving a lower electric rate.
Using electricity at night costs less than using it during the day, but I am not sure if you automatically receive that savings. Check with your local power company to see if you do receive the discount or there is something that needs to be done prior to receiving the lower rate.
A Manhattan Skyscraper uses ice to air condition their facility. The tanks holding the water are cooled/frozen at night when the rates are lower. This building saves one million ($1,000,000) dollars a year on their energy bill. Not sure how much of a electric saving during peak hours that is or how much of a reduction that is on the carbon footprint of the building that is.
The company that supplies this system is working on a system for the home and should be available this year. The problem for me is that the system costs $10,000 and for me that is a lot of money. I would have to assume that as the system becomes installed in more houses the price will come down.
Can you supplement the cooling of your building by dumping the ‘heat’ or cooling your air into the water that your building uses each day? Can your water system be used to supplement the cooling of your building by piping it threw the HVAC system? Does your facility have a boiler system which would cost less to operate if the water temperature which is used in the boiler was 10 to 20 degrees warmer?
“And what is a man without energy? Nothing - nothing at all." Mark Twain
Not all savings on your electric bill has to come from reducing the amount of energy you use. There is also the possibility of changing when the power is used, thus receiving a lower electric rate.
Using electricity at night costs less than using it during the day, but I am not sure if you automatically receive that savings. Check with your local power company to see if you do receive the discount or there is something that needs to be done prior to receiving the lower rate.
A Manhattan Skyscraper uses ice to air condition their facility. The tanks holding the water are cooled/frozen at night when the rates are lower. This building saves one million ($1,000,000) dollars a year on their energy bill. Not sure how much of a electric saving during peak hours that is or how much of a reduction that is on the carbon footprint of the building that is.
The company that supplies this system is working on a system for the home and should be available this year. The problem for me is that the system costs $10,000 and for me that is a lot of money. I would have to assume that as the system becomes installed in more houses the price will come down.
Can you supplement the cooling of your building by dumping the ‘heat’ or cooling your air into the water that your building uses each day? Can your water system be used to supplement the cooling of your building by piping it threw the HVAC system? Does your facility have a boiler system which would cost less to operate if the water temperature which is used in the boiler was 10 to 20 degrees warmer?
“And what is a man without energy? Nothing - nothing at all." Mark Twain
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Cutting your electric bill
"Energy conservation is the foundation of energy independence." Tom Allen
Never wait for a bureaucracy to save you when a threat is eminent.
“The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased, and not impaired, in value." Theodore Roosevelt
Turn off those appliances that are not being used. I use a power strip to turn off my entertainment center (TV, receiver, DVD player, etc) at night when I turn off the television and do not turn it back on until I am ready to watch the television.
Do you have a spare room with a television, radio, etc? Then unplug them when no one is in there. This seems to drive my wife nuts when I turn off the clocks in the spare room, but it takes a minute to reset the clock when we have company staying in the room.
“They can't do without electricity. They can do with less electricity." Kenneth Lay
I believe that being a pragmatic country we can overcome any obstacle that we are now facing if we work together. Where are the Edison’s and Einstein’s, who will lead the energy “Manhattan Project”? I am sure that they are out there, waiting for some government to give them the money to follow their dream project. Or entering the 2009 X-Prize contest to create a car that gets 100 mpg as Cornell Universityalready is.
Until there is an energy program similar “Manhattan Project” we should be able to rely on the ‘small’ home style inventor for help. Someone out there should be able to come up with a way to:
Never wait for a bureaucracy to save you when a threat is eminent.
“The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased, and not impaired, in value." Theodore Roosevelt
Turn off those appliances that are not being used. I use a power strip to turn off my entertainment center (TV, receiver, DVD player, etc) at night when I turn off the television and do not turn it back on until I am ready to watch the television.
Do you have a spare room with a television, radio, etc? Then unplug them when no one is in there. This seems to drive my wife nuts when I turn off the clocks in the spare room, but it takes a minute to reset the clock when we have company staying in the room.
“They can't do without electricity. They can do with less electricity." Kenneth Lay
I believe that being a pragmatic country we can overcome any obstacle that we are now facing if we work together. Where are the Edison’s and Einstein’s, who will lead the energy “Manhattan Project”? I am sure that they are out there, waiting for some government to give them the money to follow their dream project. Or entering the 2009 X-Prize contest to create a car that gets 100 mpg as Cornell Universityalready is.
Until there is an energy program similar “Manhattan Project” we should be able to rely on the ‘small’ home style inventor for help. Someone out there should be able to come up with a way to:
- provide enough power (solar, wind, etc) to supply a typical home with electricity during the day to reduce the load on the power grid
- control those vampire electrical units in the house and turn them off when we are not using them
- more efficient appliances
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
The Government Won’t Save You
“Our major obligation is not to mistake slogans for solutions." Edward R. Murrow
If you are getting beaten up by the high cost of energy, don’t wait for the government to help you. If you believe that manmade CO2 is causing global warming, don’t wait for the government to save you. Never wait for a bureaucracy to save you when a threat is eminent.
“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." William James
We have been called a pragmatic country, one that recognizes a challenge, defines the challenge and conquers the challenge. If you want to have a positive effect on the economy, the environment and the country start doing something.
“Our major obligation is not to mistake slogans for solutions." Edward R. Murrow
You can reduce your driving by 10% carpooling one day a week and the next week you are the passenger. Or if possible take mass transit one day a week. Doesn’t sound like too much of a hardship as you still have the other eight days free to drive yourself, unless of course you find it easier?
“Every time I see an adult on a bicycle, I no longer despair for the future of the human race." H.G. Wells
Reduce you energy use at home or at work. Turn off the lights, when not in use, use a smaller wattage if possible or change over to CFL (compact fluorescent lights). Turn your heat down or your air-conditioning up depending on the season. Because despite the environmental groups harping on the transportation industry, buildings (home/work) use more energy and are responsible for 25% more CO2 than transportation.
If you are getting beaten up by the high cost of energy, don’t wait for the government to help you. If you believe that manmade CO2 is causing global warming, don’t wait for the government to save you. Never wait for a bureaucracy to save you when a threat is eminent.
“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." William James
We have been called a pragmatic country, one that recognizes a challenge, defines the challenge and conquers the challenge. If you want to have a positive effect on the economy, the environment and the country start doing something.
“Our major obligation is not to mistake slogans for solutions." Edward R. Murrow
You can reduce your driving by 10% carpooling one day a week and the next week you are the passenger. Or if possible take mass transit one day a week. Doesn’t sound like too much of a hardship as you still have the other eight days free to drive yourself, unless of course you find it easier?
“Every time I see an adult on a bicycle, I no longer despair for the future of the human race." H.G. Wells
Reduce you energy use at home or at work. Turn off the lights, when not in use, use a smaller wattage if possible or change over to CFL (compact fluorescent lights). Turn your heat down or your air-conditioning up depending on the season. Because despite the environmental groups harping on the transportation industry, buildings (home/work) use more energy and are responsible for 25% more CO2 than transportation.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
No new program needed to donate
" No one would remember the Good Samaritan if he'd only had good intentions; he had money as well. " Margaret Thatcher
Let’s not allow our government to establish a tax which is not needed, instead our representatives cut our taxes by 65 billion dollars and allow us to do as we see fit with the money we earn. American’s donated over 300 billion dollars ($300,000,000,000) in 2006, and that is not counting the time donated.
“The difference between death and taxes is death doesn't get worse every time Congress meets." Will Rogers
There is also the possibility, strong in my opinion, that once this money is given to the United Nations, because that is where it is going you will not see an additional good will towards the United States as claimed by the sponsors of this bill. And what happens when the seven years ends? Who will be pushing for a continuation of these monies and more being sent to the United Nations for good works around the world? Effectively allowing the United Nations, an organization which does not represent America, place a tax on the America public.
“It would be a hard government that should tax its people one-tenth part of their income." Benjamin Franklin
Seems that American’s are already very generous and do not need our law maker creating additional taxes just to make them look good. There is also the problem that once the government takes your money they really do not want to stop taking it. They love to say that they give you money as with this rebate, but if you did not take the money in the first place you would not have to give it back, and it would not cost me additional, millions is cost to my government which comes out of my taxes.
“The taxpayer - that's someone who works for the federal government but doesn't have to take the civil service examination." Ronald Reagan
What would happen if instead of taking our tax money the tax payer, you and me, were allowed to donate the money as they see fit. Not providing ten to thirty cents on the dollar tax break, but directly off the top. You give ten dollars and ten dollars comes off your taxes.
What if we took the 65 billion ($65,000,000,000) dollars each year for the next seven years and not have the government give the money back to us, but rather not have the monies taken from our pay check. You worried about a recession, probably would not be a worry anymore. Not only would you be allowed to help who you wanted and donate to organizations you want to support, but you would be helping to expand the American economy.
Let’s not allow our government to establish a tax which is not needed, instead our representatives cut our taxes by 65 billion dollars and allow us to do as we see fit with the money we earn. American’s donated over 300 billion dollars ($300,000,000,000) in 2006, and that is not counting the time donated.
“The difference between death and taxes is death doesn't get worse every time Congress meets." Will Rogers
There is also the possibility, strong in my opinion, that once this money is given to the United Nations, because that is where it is going you will not see an additional good will towards the United States as claimed by the sponsors of this bill. And what happens when the seven years ends? Who will be pushing for a continuation of these monies and more being sent to the United Nations for good works around the world? Effectively allowing the United Nations, an organization which does not represent America, place a tax on the America public.
“It would be a hard government that should tax its people one-tenth part of their income." Benjamin Franklin
Seems that American’s are already very generous and do not need our law maker creating additional taxes just to make them look good. There is also the problem that once the government takes your money they really do not want to stop taking it. They love to say that they give you money as with this rebate, but if you did not take the money in the first place you would not have to give it back, and it would not cost me additional, millions is cost to my government which comes out of my taxes.
“The taxpayer - that's someone who works for the federal government but doesn't have to take the civil service examination." Ronald Reagan
What would happen if instead of taking our tax money the tax payer, you and me, were allowed to donate the money as they see fit. Not providing ten to thirty cents on the dollar tax break, but directly off the top. You give ten dollars and ten dollars comes off your taxes.
What if we took the 65 billion ($65,000,000,000) dollars each year for the next seven years and not have the government give the money back to us, but rather not have the monies taken from our pay check. You worried about a recession, probably would not be a worry anymore. Not only would you be allowed to help who you wanted and donate to organizations you want to support, but you would be helping to expand the American economy.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Obama’s Great Giveaway
" No one would remember the Good Samaritan if he'd only had good intentions; he had money as well. " Margaret Thatcher
After emailing a friend about the proposed bill to give away an additional 65 billion ($65,000,000,000) dollars a year to reduce world poverty by half by the year 2015 I received a response stating that it sounded Christian. I have a problem with that mainly because I do not think that it is a correct interpretation and here is why.
When you are taxed are you providing those monies with a happy heart? I know that I do not. I know that federal taxes are necessary, but sending them overseas for any purpose, even a purpose as noble as reducing poverty or providing fresh water, is wrong.
Also, from history, you will find that when monies are sent from government to government the monies seem to disappear at the worst or not get to where it is supposed to go in a timely manner. Not all governments are as honest as our government is, meaning that monies are siphoned off for personal use. Monies sent to governments, especially or even, get delayed in getting to the people who need them either because of the established bureaucracy or by neglect.
There is also the problem that the 0.7% figure put forth by Presidential Barack Obama is the same percentage that the United Nations would like to tax every developed nation in order to put forth their agenda. An organization that does not have the best interests of America in mind in anything that they do.
After emailing a friend about the proposed bill to give away an additional 65 billion ($65,000,000,000) dollars a year to reduce world poverty by half by the year 2015 I received a response stating that it sounded Christian. I have a problem with that mainly because I do not think that it is a correct interpretation and here is why.
When you are taxed are you providing those monies with a happy heart? I know that I do not. I know that federal taxes are necessary, but sending them overseas for any purpose, even a purpose as noble as reducing poverty or providing fresh water, is wrong.
Also, from history, you will find that when monies are sent from government to government the monies seem to disappear at the worst or not get to where it is supposed to go in a timely manner. Not all governments are as honest as our government is, meaning that monies are siphoned off for personal use. Monies sent to governments, especially or even, get delayed in getting to the people who need them either because of the established bureaucracy or by neglect.
There is also the problem that the 0.7% figure put forth by Presidential Barack Obama is the same percentage that the United Nations would like to tax every developed nation in order to put forth their agenda. An organization that does not have the best interests of America in mind in anything that they do.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Obama’s Great Giveaway
"Charity should begin at home, but should not stay there." Phillips Brooks
Obama would like to give away an additional $845 billion more for global poverty or about 0.7% of gross national product of America each year for the next 13 years. Under this give away “plan” the President must develop "and implement" a policy to "cut extreme global poverty in half by 2015 through aid, trade, debt relief" and other programs.
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi
There is one word that people seem to miss when reading the article and that word is additional. You see the United States already donates $21.3 billion ($21,300,000,000) a year. SO what Obama, along with others are looking for is a total of $86,000,000,000 (86 billion) a year for foreign aid. That does not count what the American public already donates, nor does it add in the funds made available following natural disasters such as the Tsunami of 2004.
You cannot hope to build a better world without improving individuals. We all must work for our own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity." Marie Curie
If the percentage sounds familiar you may recall that is the exact percentage which the United Nations wants to tax every developed nation. Sounds like a way to get around American sovereignty and establish a tax which correctly fills the bill of “Taxation without representation”.
More later.
Obama would like to give away an additional $845 billion more for global poverty or about 0.7% of gross national product of America each year for the next 13 years. Under this give away “plan” the President must develop "and implement" a policy to "cut extreme global poverty in half by 2015 through aid, trade, debt relief" and other programs.
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi
There is one word that people seem to miss when reading the article and that word is additional. You see the United States already donates $21.3 billion ($21,300,000,000) a year. SO what Obama, along with others are looking for is a total of $86,000,000,000 (86 billion) a year for foreign aid. That does not count what the American public already donates, nor does it add in the funds made available following natural disasters such as the Tsunami of 2004.
You cannot hope to build a better world without improving individuals. We all must work for our own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity." Marie Curie
If the percentage sounds familiar you may recall that is the exact percentage which the United Nations wants to tax every developed nation. Sounds like a way to get around American sovereignty and establish a tax which correctly fills the bill of “Taxation without representation”.
More later.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Instead of Chili’s
"As a child my family's menu consisted of two choices: take it or leave it." Buddy Hackett
Have you seen the commercial where some friends are in a car and trying to decide what they should do? They are looking for something that would be different and they final decide that in order to do something different they should go out to dinner at Chili’s. But is that really something different? You want to try something different, here is a suggestion.
When you and your friends get together and are looking for something different why not cook or prepare a meal(s) for someone else. Find a shelter that hand out prepared meals. Where I live there are plenty of these organizations, one handing out up to 10,000 sandwiches a month and the homeless shelter we help serves about 50 homeless men a night and that is on a slow night.
“When I gave food to the poor, they called me a saint. When I asked why the poor were hungry, they called me a communist.” Dom Helder Camara
When we bring sandwiches to the shelter we simply drop them off, but when we bring a hot meal we stay. Usually the meals are simple, ziti, chili, etc. along with a bread or muffin and some fruit. All of this food cost me less than a dollar a person. You want to see a group of happy people bring them a hot meal, when they are used simply to sandwiches, on a cold Syracuse night.
"If we can conquer space, we can conquer childhood hunger" Buzz Aldrin
How did we do that? Use the Buy One Give One idea of which I wrote of earlier. Since we knew we were going to provide a meal to those in need we would buy items along the way and designate them to that purpose. We also let friends of ours know in advance that we were going to make a meal and they make the bread or muffins. Sometimes we get together to make the meals and other times we meet and combine the meal into bags to make it easier to hand out.
How many meals could you make for the same cost as what you would spend for a night out?
Have you seen the commercial where some friends are in a car and trying to decide what they should do? They are looking for something that would be different and they final decide that in order to do something different they should go out to dinner at Chili’s. But is that really something different? You want to try something different, here is a suggestion.
When you and your friends get together and are looking for something different why not cook or prepare a meal(s) for someone else. Find a shelter that hand out prepared meals. Where I live there are plenty of these organizations, one handing out up to 10,000 sandwiches a month and the homeless shelter we help serves about 50 homeless men a night and that is on a slow night.
“When I gave food to the poor, they called me a saint. When I asked why the poor were hungry, they called me a communist.” Dom Helder Camara
When we bring sandwiches to the shelter we simply drop them off, but when we bring a hot meal we stay. Usually the meals are simple, ziti, chili, etc. along with a bread or muffin and some fruit. All of this food cost me less than a dollar a person. You want to see a group of happy people bring them a hot meal, when they are used simply to sandwiches, on a cold Syracuse night.
"If we can conquer space, we can conquer childhood hunger" Buzz Aldrin
How did we do that? Use the Buy One Give One idea of which I wrote of earlier. Since we knew we were going to provide a meal to those in need we would buy items along the way and designate them to that purpose. We also let friends of ours know in advance that we were going to make a meal and they make the bread or muffins. Sometimes we get together to make the meals and other times we meet and combine the meal into bags to make it easier to hand out.
How many meals could you make for the same cost as what you would spend for a night out?
Thursday, February 21, 2008
"When Andrew Carnegie died, they discovered a sheet of paper upon which he had written one of the major goals of his life: to spend the first half of his life accumulating money and to spend the last half of his life giving it all away. And he did!" Jim Rohn
I am not sure who started this acronym BOGO (Buy One Get One) and I hope that by using it I am not stepping on someone’s copy right. I have taken this acronym and changed to Buy One Give One.
“The life of a man consists not in seeing visions and in dreaming dreams, but in active charity and in willing service” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
How many people in America go hungry? Second Harvest states that there were approximately twenty-five million (25,000,000) in 2007. Even if you do not believe that number, simply helping people or charities is always a good thing. Also if you would like to help Second Harvest you can download a free copy of Barilla’s cookbook until February 29th and they will donate $1.00 to America's Second Harvest for every cookbook downloaded, up to 100,000 downloads.
"The measure of a life, after all, is not its duration, but its donation." Corrie Ten Boom
When there is a BOGO I will check out my coupons which are stacked up uncut in the family room. If I have coupons then it makes giving these items even easier. I will pick up the items when I do my usual shopping so that I am not making any extra trips. Most of these items are food items and I donate them to the local food pantry, unless there is a call from a group or organization for additional help.
“Where there is charity and wisdom, there is neither fear nor ignorance.” St. Francis of Assisi
While we support our local pantry and a few others when they ask for help, we also support a men’s shelter. Those items which are not food, e.g. cleaning, laundry detergents, etc, are provided to other organizations which my wife and I support.
“Charity is injurious unless it helps the recipient to become independent of it.” John D. Rockefeller
I am not sure who started this acronym BOGO (Buy One Get One) and I hope that by using it I am not stepping on someone’s copy right. I have taken this acronym and changed to Buy One Give One.
“The life of a man consists not in seeing visions and in dreaming dreams, but in active charity and in willing service” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
How many people in America go hungry? Second Harvest states that there were approximately twenty-five million (25,000,000) in 2007. Even if you do not believe that number, simply helping people or charities is always a good thing. Also if you would like to help Second Harvest you can download a free copy of Barilla’s cookbook until February 29th and they will donate $1.00 to America's Second Harvest for every cookbook downloaded, up to 100,000 downloads.
"The measure of a life, after all, is not its duration, but its donation." Corrie Ten Boom
When there is a BOGO I will check out my coupons which are stacked up uncut in the family room. If I have coupons then it makes giving these items even easier. I will pick up the items when I do my usual shopping so that I am not making any extra trips. Most of these items are food items and I donate them to the local food pantry, unless there is a call from a group or organization for additional help.
“Where there is charity and wisdom, there is neither fear nor ignorance.” St. Francis of Assisi
While we support our local pantry and a few others when they ask for help, we also support a men’s shelter. Those items which are not food, e.g. cleaning, laundry detergents, etc, are provided to other organizations which my wife and I support.
“Charity is injurious unless it helps the recipient to become independent of it.” John D. Rockefeller
Barilla’s cookbook,
local pantry,
Second Harvest
American Business Competition
"Life leaps like a geyser for those willing to drill through the rock of inertia." Alexis Carrel
Have you noticed that a fast tempo seems to have taken over everything we do? The question is does this fast pace make things better? Should you develop a tempo which requires you to start moving faster and faster? The answer to that question is probably based on where you are now in the “pace of life” and where you want to be in the life you are leading.
"To climb steep hills requires slow pace at first." William Shakespeare
We have all(?) heard that an object that is in motion tends to stay in motion. How much more energy does it take to go from zero to 60 mph, than to go from 30 mph to 60 mph? Basically that means that we need to keep moving. To continually improve your life is easier when you are moving ahead already than when you stop and go. How many of you have finished school and decided to go back for further education and found it harder than proceeding from one session to another?
"The reading of all good books is indeed like a conversation with the noblest men of past centuries who were the authors of them, nay a carefully studied conversation, in which they reveal to us none but the best of their thoughts." Rene Descartes
When you are exercising do you seem to have more energy than when you are sitting around? The same is true with your mind. The more that you learn the easier it is to learn more. Read a dozen books in a year and you will be further ahead than the majority of the population. Pick out those books that will make you a better person, a better employee, a better citizen.
"Your needs will be met once you can find a way of projecting energy and fulfilling someone else's need." Stuart Wilde
Start your own study group. Read books and articles that you feel will help you and share them with people who are like minded. Just like in school, sharing your information with others and taking in what they learn will expand your knowledge faster than trying to do everything on your own.
Have you noticed that a fast tempo seems to have taken over everything we do? The question is does this fast pace make things better? Should you develop a tempo which requires you to start moving faster and faster? The answer to that question is probably based on where you are now in the “pace of life” and where you want to be in the life you are leading.
"To climb steep hills requires slow pace at first." William Shakespeare
We have all(?) heard that an object that is in motion tends to stay in motion. How much more energy does it take to go from zero to 60 mph, than to go from 30 mph to 60 mph? Basically that means that we need to keep moving. To continually improve your life is easier when you are moving ahead already than when you stop and go. How many of you have finished school and decided to go back for further education and found it harder than proceeding from one session to another?
"The reading of all good books is indeed like a conversation with the noblest men of past centuries who were the authors of them, nay a carefully studied conversation, in which they reveal to us none but the best of their thoughts." Rene Descartes
When you are exercising do you seem to have more energy than when you are sitting around? The same is true with your mind. The more that you learn the easier it is to learn more. Read a dozen books in a year and you will be further ahead than the majority of the population. Pick out those books that will make you a better person, a better employee, a better citizen.
"Your needs will be met once you can find a way of projecting energy and fulfilling someone else's need." Stuart Wilde
Start your own study group. Read books and articles that you feel will help you and share them with people who are like minded. Just like in school, sharing your information with others and taking in what they learn will expand your knowledge faster than trying to do everything on your own.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
American Business Competition
"If you have an important point to make, don't try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time a tremendous whack." Winston Churchill
There was a local story in our area about the negotiations between a company and a union. Unless there was a way to make the factory more cost efficient it would be closed down. Sounds familiar and to a point it makes good business sense. Cost efficiency makes good business practice as it means you do something that businesses are in existence for, to make a profit.
In a global economy businesses must become more efficient in their production, employees, etc. The American worker is highly productive and according to some is highly paid. Unfortunately, we appear to be too highly paid when compared to workers in other countries. When it comes to pay and benefits, it appears that ‘management’ is always looking for ways to decrease the pay and benefits received by Americans to “level the playing field”.
Ye when all is said and done management, corporate boards, CEOs, etc take a very limited view of the wage disparity between the American worker and those in other countries. You ever wonder if they look at their own salaries when they determine that wages need to be reduced in order to make American business more competitive. When the CEO of General Motors (GM) makes in access of ten ($10,000,000) million dollars compared to the CEO of Toyota makes less than one ($1,000,000) million dollars General Motors competitive?
The other part of this equation is not simply the salary of the CEO of a company, but the salaries of upper management. If the CEO of GM makes ten million dollars a year what do the other members of the board make? What about the vice presidents, directors, and managers make? How far down the corporate ladder do you need to go in a company like GM, which is continually losing its share of the market, before you make the same salary as the president of Toyota?
I wonder how the union taking a 30% pay cut will affect the workers at the factory. What concessions has the management been willing to take? HAve they been willing to take a 30% pay and benefit cut to make their factory more competative with those overseas?
There was a local story in our area about the negotiations between a company and a union. Unless there was a way to make the factory more cost efficient it would be closed down. Sounds familiar and to a point it makes good business sense. Cost efficiency makes good business practice as it means you do something that businesses are in existence for, to make a profit.
In a global economy businesses must become more efficient in their production, employees, etc. The American worker is highly productive and according to some is highly paid. Unfortunately, we appear to be too highly paid when compared to workers in other countries. When it comes to pay and benefits, it appears that ‘management’ is always looking for ways to decrease the pay and benefits received by Americans to “level the playing field”.
Ye when all is said and done management, corporate boards, CEOs, etc take a very limited view of the wage disparity between the American worker and those in other countries. You ever wonder if they look at their own salaries when they determine that wages need to be reduced in order to make American business more competitive. When the CEO of General Motors (GM) makes in access of ten ($10,000,000) million dollars compared to the CEO of Toyota makes less than one ($1,000,000) million dollars General Motors competitive?
The other part of this equation is not simply the salary of the CEO of a company, but the salaries of upper management. If the CEO of GM makes ten million dollars a year what do the other members of the board make? What about the vice presidents, directors, and managers make? How far down the corporate ladder do you need to go in a company like GM, which is continually losing its share of the market, before you make the same salary as the president of Toyota?
I wonder how the union taking a 30% pay cut will affect the workers at the factory. What concessions has the management been willing to take? HAve they been willing to take a 30% pay and benefit cut to make their factory more competative with those overseas?
Affording Social Security
"Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough." Og Mandino
The first complaint from business will be that they are already taxed too much, no different from the American public. How are we, business and individual, supposed to be able to afford the changes in Social Security I talked about in the last two posts.
As for the individual, there will be an increase in the taxes that they pay, if they earn more than $102,000 a year. I am not too upset about it, maybe I would be if I earned over the maximum and now had to pay into the retirement fund and forgo the “raise” provided by the ending of being taxed like the majority of the population.
As for business, I would end their contribution to the Social Security fund at the new maximum of $250,000. That is an increase in the taxes which they pay and there is no getting around that, unless you make all taxes collected by Social Security and Health Insurance pre-tax dollars.
No, that will not make your contributions to retirement balance out, but it will reduce the pain.
The first complaint from business will be that they are already taxed too much, no different from the American public. How are we, business and individual, supposed to be able to afford the changes in Social Security I talked about in the last two posts.
As for the individual, there will be an increase in the taxes that they pay, if they earn more than $102,000 a year. I am not too upset about it, maybe I would be if I earned over the maximum and now had to pay into the retirement fund and forgo the “raise” provided by the ending of being taxed like the majority of the population.
As for business, I would end their contribution to the Social Security fund at the new maximum of $250,000. That is an increase in the taxes which they pay and there is no getting around that, unless you make all taxes collected by Social Security and Health Insurance pre-tax dollars.
No, that will not make your contributions to retirement balance out, but it will reduce the pain.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Social Security Privatization
"The absent are never without fault. Nor the present without excuse." Benjamin Franklin
Now for the discussion of Social Security that always gets me in trouble with my father. That is the privatization of the system. I know everyone looks at that and says that it makes no sense for us to be able to invest our monies as we see fit, keep our own money and to leave what is left to our children (being facetious), but does it?
Let us keep the 6.25% Social Security tax and the 1.45% Medicare's Hospital Insurance (HI) and invest it in a 401K type fund, which can be used as a retire find. Increase the maximum income to $250,000 which we are required to contribute to the Social Security fund.
Take the matching funds which are required from businesses and provide those funds to the public funding of the Social Security act. All income should be taxed under Social Security, and any income which is over the $250,000 maximum be placed also into the public monies.
There is too much temptation for politicians when all of the Social Security tax pours into the general fund. Unfortunately for Presidential hopeful Al Gore, there is no lock box, but maybe there aught to be. Instead of placing the monies into the general funds, any unused monies should be placed into Savings Bonds.
Now for the discussion of Social Security that always gets me in trouble with my father. That is the privatization of the system. I know everyone looks at that and says that it makes no sense for us to be able to invest our monies as we see fit, keep our own money and to leave what is left to our children (being facetious), but does it?
Let us keep the 6.25% Social Security tax and the 1.45% Medicare's Hospital Insurance (HI) and invest it in a 401K type fund, which can be used as a retire find. Increase the maximum income to $250,000 which we are required to contribute to the Social Security fund.
Take the matching funds which are required from businesses and provide those funds to the public funding of the Social Security act. All income should be taxed under Social Security, and any income which is over the $250,000 maximum be placed also into the public monies.
There is too much temptation for politicians when all of the Social Security tax pours into the general fund. Unfortunately for Presidential hopeful Al Gore, there is no lock box, but maybe there aught to be. Instead of placing the monies into the general funds, any unused monies should be placed into Savings Bonds.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Social Security for everyone: by everyone
"Most of the time, stuff doesn’t just happen to us—we make it happen by what we do and the way we are." Tony Jeary
Everyone knows that Social Security will run out of money, the only question is when. There are band aid approaches, for example increasing the age, from 65 to 67, which people can start collecting 100% of their Social Security. If the age of eligibility were to be the same as in 1935 when Social Security was enacted, the age for full eligibility would be 78 years old.
With the number of workers per person collecting Social Security decreasing these measures do not even qualify as stop gap actions. Basically this means that unless you want to increase the age for collecting Social Security checks dramatically you need to find more people who contribute to the program. So where do you find the additional people?
Remove the limit on income to which the Social Security tax applies, which would mean ending the $102,000 limit. Those who make more money than the $102,000 limit actually get a 6.2% raise in the pay periods following their reaching the limit. Does it make sense that people who make twenty million ($20,000,000) or more a year to contribute for only 2 days or less for the economic welfare of the country?
Social Security is designed for the economic welfare of those who retire, so why is it that everyone, even those who have enormously high incomes are not required to contribute to the fund?
Everyone knows that Social Security will run out of money, the only question is when. There are band aid approaches, for example increasing the age, from 65 to 67, which people can start collecting 100% of their Social Security. If the age of eligibility were to be the same as in 1935 when Social Security was enacted, the age for full eligibility would be 78 years old.
With the number of workers per person collecting Social Security decreasing these measures do not even qualify as stop gap actions. Basically this means that unless you want to increase the age for collecting Social Security checks dramatically you need to find more people who contribute to the program. So where do you find the additional people?
Remove the limit on income to which the Social Security tax applies, which would mean ending the $102,000 limit. Those who make more money than the $102,000 limit actually get a 6.2% raise in the pay periods following their reaching the limit. Does it make sense that people who make twenty million ($20,000,000) or more a year to contribute for only 2 days or less for the economic welfare of the country?
Social Security is designed for the economic welfare of those who retire, so why is it that everyone, even those who have enormously high incomes are not required to contribute to the fund?
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Social Security in need of repair
"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." Abraham Lincoln
Depending on the type of discussion you want to start you can either talk about saving Social Security or reforming Social Security. I have tried talking to my father and father-in-law about what is happening with this entitlement and always have to make a hasty retreat.
But before you can talk about either saving or reforming Social Securityyou need to understand the history of this government program. What you have is a program started by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1935 to provide retires, and the disabled. Sounds great, at a time when this country was caught up in a worldwide depression. With 25% of the work force out of work at its height there needed to be hope.
In 1935 you could collect your retirement payments from Social Security at age 65, but the life expectancy was approximately 62 years old. In 1950, I could not find the numbers for the 30’s, there were 16 workers supporting each person on Social Security. Today there are 3.3 people working to support each person collecting Social Security.
Call to Action
First, read up no the history of Social Security.
Second, determine what needs to be changed in Social Security to maintain the program in the future.
Third, look at your own retirement plans and conclude what effects there will be on your ability to retire if there is no Social Security.
Depending on the type of discussion you want to start you can either talk about saving Social Security or reforming Social Security. I have tried talking to my father and father-in-law about what is happening with this entitlement and always have to make a hasty retreat.
But before you can talk about either saving or reforming Social Securityyou need to understand the history of this government program. What you have is a program started by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1935 to provide retires, and the disabled. Sounds great, at a time when this country was caught up in a worldwide depression. With 25% of the work force out of work at its height there needed to be hope.
In 1935 you could collect your retirement payments from Social Security at age 65, but the life expectancy was approximately 62 years old. In 1950, I could not find the numbers for the 30’s, there were 16 workers supporting each person on Social Security. Today there are 3.3 people working to support each person collecting Social Security.
Call to Action
First, read up no the history of Social Security.
Second, determine what needs to be changed in Social Security to maintain the program in the future.
Third, look at your own retirement plans and conclude what effects there will be on your ability to retire if there is no Social Security.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Reformation & Your Boss
"Always sit as far up front as you can." Denis Waitley
Make your boss look good? How do you get that from having a positive attitude? You ever try and make something or someone look good by being negative?
A positive attitude will help you at work and in life as people like to be around someone who has a positive attitude, who smiles and is not always grumbling.
Call to Action
First, identify your manager’s career objective. Once you have done that, help him/her reach her goal.
Second, make your boss look good.
Make your boss look good? How do you get that from having a positive attitude? You ever try and make something or someone look good by being negative?
A positive attitude will help you at work and in life as people like to be around someone who has a positive attitude, who smiles and is not always grumbling.
Call to Action
First, identify your manager’s career objective. Once you have done that, help him/her reach her goal.
Second, make your boss look good.
career objectives,
Denis Waitley,
Positive Attitude,
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Reformation & A Positive Attitude
What would your world be like if you take a positive attitude to everything in your life? Change your frame of reference to life’s difficulties to challenges, formally called problems, as ways to make our lives interesting and us better.
"Instead of spending your time thinking about how bad things are, think about how good they will be!" Chris Widener
Surround yourself with people who look at life as a challenge to overcome and are willing to take you with them. Friends like that are rare, but those people are out there just waiting to be discovered and allow you to help them. Some of those fiends should be books, audios, articles, etc. Remember that you are there as part of the team, the good people will pick you up when you need it and you are there to help them.
Look for that ‘good’ boss that will work with you to fulfill your goals and career development in the way you want to go. Of course that means that you need to remember that you are there to make money for the company, never forget that. It does not matter if you are working for a major international company or the corner mom & pop store. Make your boss look good , not at the expense of your dignity or your health, but because a good boss will return the favor.
I once had a boss I like to call the “Golden Child”, because everything she touched turned to success. Not only did she receive a number of promotions in a short stretch of time, but she took me with her and I received two promotions, in three years after being stuck in the same place for more than three years. I did not change, which to some people was a big problem. What the Golden Child did when she became my boss was to use the positive aspects of my character to accomplish the task at hand. You can do the same with not only the people below you but also with those above you.
Call to Action
First, identify the main purpose of the company you work for. This is sometimes not easy as there may be conflicting messages between the mission statement and the day to day operations.
Second, identify those people that believe in the company’s mission statement. Associate with those people who believe in the company and work towards fulfilling that goal.
Third, make your boss look good.
"Instead of spending your time thinking about how bad things are, think about how good they will be!" Chris Widener
Surround yourself with people who look at life as a challenge to overcome and are willing to take you with them. Friends like that are rare, but those people are out there just waiting to be discovered and allow you to help them. Some of those fiends should be books, audios, articles, etc. Remember that you are there as part of the team, the good people will pick you up when you need it and you are there to help them.
Look for that ‘good’ boss that will work with you to fulfill your goals and career development in the way you want to go. Of course that means that you need to remember that you are there to make money for the company, never forget that. It does not matter if you are working for a major international company or the corner mom & pop store. Make your boss look good , not at the expense of your dignity or your health, but because a good boss will return the favor.
I once had a boss I like to call the “Golden Child”, because everything she touched turned to success. Not only did she receive a number of promotions in a short stretch of time, but she took me with her and I received two promotions, in three years after being stuck in the same place for more than three years. I did not change, which to some people was a big problem. What the Golden Child did when she became my boss was to use the positive aspects of my character to accomplish the task at hand. You can do the same with not only the people below you but also with those above you.
Call to Action
First, identify the main purpose of the company you work for. This is sometimes not easy as there may be conflicting messages between the mission statement and the day to day operations.
Second, identify those people that believe in the company’s mission statement. Associate with those people who believe in the company and work towards fulfilling that goal.
Third, make your boss look good.
Chris Widener,
Golden Child,
Positive Attitude,
Monday, February 4, 2008
Reformation & Mind Mapping
"Learning how to learn is life's most important skill." Tony Buzan
Mind mapping, developed by Tony Buzan was something I came across in one of the courses provided by the company I work for. It was a hard concept at the beginning to grasp, but once I understood the principles and started using the principles process I found it exciting. It is a way to open up the mind while focusing on a single or multiple tasks/projects.
Not only is it a great method for thinking about an idea, but it can be used for team approaches to a project. I have also used mind mapping during other courses I have taken to dig deeper into concepts and ideas presented. I have also used this mind mapping to review books which I have read for fun or profit.
I also was able to take some of the ideas from the mind mapping (free software) course and apply them to other areas of life. One of those ideas was the use of color. Using different colors for different projects helps me to keep track of 4 – 8 projects at a time. Some people laughed at some of my color choices, but I have noticed over the years that people have adapted my use of color for their own projects. The hard part is find pens, paper, steno pads, etc in the color chosen.
Try mind mapping, take a course or read a book on the subject. You can go to YouTube and watch videos discussing this principle. One of the YouTube presentations that I find interesting is presented by Stephen Pierce who has written a number of books.
Mind mapping, developed by Tony Buzan was something I came across in one of the courses provided by the company I work for. It was a hard concept at the beginning to grasp, but once I understood the principles and started using the principles process I found it exciting. It is a way to open up the mind while focusing on a single or multiple tasks/projects.
Not only is it a great method for thinking about an idea, but it can be used for team approaches to a project. I have also used mind mapping during other courses I have taken to dig deeper into concepts and ideas presented. I have also used this mind mapping to review books which I have read for fun or profit.
I also was able to take some of the ideas from the mind mapping (free software) course and apply them to other areas of life. One of those ideas was the use of color. Using different colors for different projects helps me to keep track of 4 – 8 projects at a time. Some people laughed at some of my color choices, but I have noticed over the years that people have adapted my use of color for their own projects. The hard part is find pens, paper, steno pads, etc in the color chosen.
Try mind mapping, take a course or read a book on the subject. You can go to YouTube and watch videos discussing this principle. One of the YouTube presentations that I find interesting is presented by Stephen Pierce who has written a number of books.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Reformation & Reading, again
"Take action every day - some small dose at a time." Jeffrey Gitomer
Are you looking for a small dose? Try Daileylit to have books delivered to you’re your email on the schedule you choose. You determine how long it will take you to complete the book and read at your schedule. Some of these books are free and others have a charge to them.
Are you looking for courses that you can take at your own pace checkout to find courses/newsletters on a variety of subjects delivered to your email.
Are you looking for a small dose? Try Daileylit to have books delivered to you’re your email on the schedule you choose. You determine how long it will take you to complete the book and read at your schedule. Some of these books are free and others have a charge to them.
Are you looking for courses that you can take at your own pace checkout to find courses/newsletters on a variety of subjects delivered to your email.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Reformation & Self-Improvement
"Read an hour every day in your chosen field. This works out to about one book per week, 50 books per year, and will guarantee your success." -- Brian Tracy
(Brian Tracy Home Page
Self-Improvement should be something that you are looking at on a constant basis. Even with the world whirling around you and you believe you have no time, you do have time. Here is how:
"I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book." -- Groucho Marx
Reduce your television watching for 1 hour each day and you could read 1 book per week according to Brain Tracy. Think about what paradigms which are being pushed at your job. What training are they providing you? If the company is spending money on training you can be assured that management feels this is important for the success of the company. If the training is relevant to the success of the company, I would bet that reading would improve your understanding and demonstrate your abilities within these requirements. Showing energy and commitment in areas that the company, which pays your salary, is a great way to be noticed. You get noticed and you can expect awards, bonuses and promotions.
"Life-transforming ideas have always come to me through books." -- Bell Hooks
How much time do you spend commuting to work? What if you spent at least half (one way) of that time reading or listening to audios? What would you like to learn, what are your hobbies, what new position at work would you like to obtain? Increasing your knowledge in areas increases your value.
(Brian Tracy Home Page
Self-Improvement should be something that you are looking at on a constant basis. Even with the world whirling around you and you believe you have no time, you do have time. Here is how:
- Turn off the television for 1 hour each day
- Listen to audio books while you are exercising
- Listen to audio books while you are commuting to work
"I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book." -- Groucho Marx
Reduce your television watching for 1 hour each day and you could read 1 book per week according to Brain Tracy. Think about what paradigms which are being pushed at your job. What training are they providing you? If the company is spending money on training you can be assured that management feels this is important for the success of the company. If the training is relevant to the success of the company, I would bet that reading would improve your understanding and demonstrate your abilities within these requirements. Showing energy and commitment in areas that the company, which pays your salary, is a great way to be noticed. You get noticed and you can expect awards, bonuses and promotions.
"Life-transforming ideas have always come to me through books." -- Bell Hooks
How much time do you spend commuting to work? What if you spent at least half (one way) of that time reading or listening to audios? What would you like to learn, what are your hobbies, what new position at work would you like to obtain? Increasing your knowledge in areas increases your value.
audio books,
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Reformation & Consumerism
Consumerism, sounds like a strange follow up to reading, but bear with me for a while. I believe that consumerism brings us into dependence as does the lack of reading, of staying on top of what is happening within the world. You can read a Brave New World, not a world obsessed with consumerism, but with a society controlled via pleasure, which I would place consumerism under.
If you are busy buying things, keeping up with the Jones or whatever you want to call it you are not watching what is going on around you. You do not have the time to see how, what, where and why. Consumerism is a distraction that is easily applied by people who do not want you to be involved in the world around you. Do not be a useful idiot. Instead be involved with the world around you.
How much time and effort are you spending on buying ‘stuff’? How much of you salary is being spent on consuming ‘stuff’. All of this money is not spent on improving yourself and your situation but on ‘stuff’ we are told we need?
Take an inventory of what you have and what you want. Now comes the hard part, you need to decide if what you want is a ‘want’ or a ‘need’. A need is like food, you need food to live, but too much, a want, will make you unhappy as your weights increases and your health decreases. So do you need make a determination, e.g. do you need to replace that 50” plasma television with a 70” television? Maybe a bit drastic, yet I am sure that it happens.
Reduce your spending by 20% and take that money to do something to improve your life. What would happen if you spent 50% on improving your life and those around you? What would happen if you took the remaining 50% and used it to reduce your debt or add to a savings?
If you are busy buying things, keeping up with the Jones or whatever you want to call it you are not watching what is going on around you. You do not have the time to see how, what, where and why. Consumerism is a distraction that is easily applied by people who do not want you to be involved in the world around you. Do not be a useful idiot. Instead be involved with the world around you.
How much time and effort are you spending on buying ‘stuff’? How much of you salary is being spent on consuming ‘stuff’. All of this money is not spent on improving yourself and your situation but on ‘stuff’ we are told we need?
Take an inventory of what you have and what you want. Now comes the hard part, you need to decide if what you want is a ‘want’ or a ‘need’. A need is like food, you need food to live, but too much, a want, will make you unhappy as your weights increases and your health decreases. So do you need make a determination, e.g. do you need to replace that 50” plasma television with a 70” television? Maybe a bit drastic, yet I am sure that it happens.
Reduce your spending by 20% and take that money to do something to improve your life. What would happen if you spent 50% on improving your life and those around you? What would happen if you took the remaining 50% and used it to reduce your debt or add to a savings?
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Reformation & Books Continued
Earlier we talked about reading to improve your life. Well this is a great time in history for reading or at least learning from the published word. So how do I take knowledge?
Just so you know, I firmly believe that reading is the best way to go. Picking up a book or looking at a computer screen is the best way to get the information from page to brain. So what can you do:
Just so you know, I firmly believe that reading is the best way to go. Picking up a book or looking at a computer screen is the best way to get the information from page to brain. So what can you do:
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Reformation & Books
It is time to start reading. Oops, that sounds too much like a sound bit, but it is true. According to reports the average American reads less than a half hour, 30 minutes, a day, but spends 2 hours and 30 minutes (150 minutes) each day. That is according to the Department of Labor for the year 2006. How many of you have improved your situation by watching television?
Previously I asked people to start reading/researching the candidates not only whom they vote for, but also those who are running. Today I am asking that people read, read what interests you, read the classics, read what will improve you performance, etc.
Read books that:
Biographies, read about people you admire. Who in your field has set the standard that the company you work for or in your mind. What set these people apart from the rest, wouldn’t you want the same to happen to you?
What about the ideas, paradigms or cultures that your company is trying to foster? If you want to rise (climb, ascend, soar) in your company then you need to shine, to show that you want to be part of that culture.
Previously I asked people to start reading/researching the candidates not only whom they vote for, but also those who are running. Today I am asking that people read, read what interests you, read the classics, read what will improve you performance, etc.
Read books that:
- entertain and fire your imagination
- improve your position in life along with that of the family
- Biographies
Biographies, read about people you admire. Who in your field has set the standard that the company you work for or in your mind. What set these people apart from the rest, wouldn’t you want the same to happen to you?
What about the ideas, paradigms or cultures that your company is trying to foster? If you want to rise (climb, ascend, soar) in your company then you need to shine, to show that you want to be part of that culture.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Reformation: Voting & Educating Oneself
Three documents that have a profound impact on this nation and the world, yet how many of us know what is in them and what they say. Well read them, not just to say that you have, but to allow them to fill you with their meaning. And after you have done that take some time to see where we stand as a country. Are we fulfilling the dream? Have we failed to reach the dream? To answer that question you need to decide where America stands at this moment.
Are we letting what was written in these three documents, these brave words that have cost the lives of so many as they defended this country, become sound bits? Do not let that happen. With an election coming up, do not let apathy and special interest groups determine the circumstances of this country, become aware.
I have often heard that this country is run by special interest groups, by Political Action Committees ((PACs) [different link]), etc. If that is heard then we need to understand why. The ‘why’ is that the “Government of the people , by the people and for the people” has lost the voice of the people because we do not vote.
Not only do we not vote, but we do not hold our representatives responsible for what they do and fail to do in our name. It is time to start using our voice to communicate with those who we place in office. DO not forget about these people after you have voted.
Now before everyone starts yelling that they do not have the time to keep up with all of the governments that represent us, there is a better way. Find or form a href="">study group. Communicate with your friends and do not only listen to those who agree with you, but listen to those who disagree with you.
"Discipline is the soul of an army. It makes small numbers formidable; procures success to the weak and esteem to all." — George Washington, 1759
Are we letting what was written in these three documents, these brave words that have cost the lives of so many as they defended this country, become sound bits? Do not let that happen. With an election coming up, do not let apathy and special interest groups determine the circumstances of this country, become aware.
I have often heard that this country is run by special interest groups, by Political Action Committees ((PACs) [different link]), etc. If that is heard then we need to understand why. The ‘why’ is that the “Government of the people , by the people and for the people” has lost the voice of the people because we do not vote.
Not only do we not vote, but we do not hold our representatives responsible for what they do and fail to do in our name. It is time to start using our voice to communicate with those who we place in office. DO not forget about these people after you have voted.
Now before everyone starts yelling that they do not have the time to keep up with all of the governments that represent us, there is a better way. Find or form a href="">study group. Communicate with your friends and do not only listen to those who agree with you, but listen to those who disagree with you.
"Discipline is the soul of an army. It makes small numbers formidable; procures success to the weak and esteem to all." — George Washington, 1759
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Reformation: First Ammendment & John Locke
MJR – I agree with your thoughts on the First Amendment and hope people would start reading, researching, and/or questioning what they hear, see or read. Unfortunately most people do not do that, they instead find someone, with whom they agree with on a political level, to follow and stop. The First Amendment never talks about a “Separation of Church and State” instead it talks about the “Establishment of” and is called the “Establishment Clause”.
Now our houses of worship are stifled by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). An act that I believe violates of the Constitution because it interferes with the “Free Exercise thereof”.
If that had happened in the years prior to the American Revolution would we be an independent nation? I believe that what we need now are people in the pulpit willing to stand up and talk about what is wrong with out world, country, states and families. What we need is those in congress and the senator to follow the oath they swore prior to entering the office they now hold. If it was anything that I swore when I joined the army, I swore allegiance to the Constitution of the United States.
I also should have included the Declaration of Independence in the list of documents to read. Thank you for pointing that out.
Action Items
"Science may have found a cure for most evils, but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all: the apathy of human beings." — Helen Keller
Now our houses of worship are stifled by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). An act that I believe violates of the Constitution because it interferes with the “Free Exercise thereof”.
If that had happened in the years prior to the American Revolution would we be an independent nation? I believe that what we need now are people in the pulpit willing to stand up and talk about what is wrong with out world, country, states and families. What we need is those in congress and the senator to follow the oath they swore prior to entering the office they now hold. If it was anything that I swore when I joined the army, I swore allegiance to the Constitution of the United States.
I also should have included the Declaration of Independence in the list of documents to read. Thank you for pointing that out.
Action Items
- Read the Constitution of the United States (listen to the Constitution
- Read the (your) Bill of Rights (listen to the Bill of Rights
- Read the Declaration of Independence (listen to the Declaration of Independence
"Science may have found a cure for most evils, but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all: the apathy of human beings." — Helen Keller
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Reformation: Starting
So how do we start this reformation, returning to a just (moral, honorable, straightforward) path? If we are to start, then we have to start with the individual. For those of you who love sports, it’s called getting back to the basics.
Start with getting back on the straight path, but how do I do that if I do not know what the “straight path” is? When was the last time you read a book about the founding of this country or of your state? When was the last time that you read the Constitution of the United States of America, The Bill of Rights, or the Declaration of Independence? If you are like me, until today, you have not read them since you were in school and were going to be tested on these magnificent documents. Once you have read these documents, the foundational documents of this country, you will have a better idea of what the dreams of our founders were.
Why am I suggesting that you read these documents? How many times do you hear, watch or read a news article where actions are taken based on these documents? Do you take for granted that those who report the news also provide you the truth?
We need to know what the groundwork is for everything that regulates our lives.
Have you heard about the “Separation of Church and State”? Well, it is not in the Constitution, nor is it in the Bill of Rights, yet you will hear people state it as if it were gospel. In order to understand where this misconception came from we need to read the basic document that people clam this came from, a letter from President Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptists.
What other documents or books would you recommend that people read to get a better idea of the foundation of their rights?
“A little lie can travel half way 'round the world while Truth is still lacing up her boots."
— Mark Twain
Call to Action
1) Read or listen to these documents and do it more than once. They are tightly intertwined and in reality can not exist without the other.
2) When you hear someone misquoting any of these documents realize that they are doing so because they do not know the truth or are pushing their own agenda.
3) Correct the misquote when ever possible. Do it gently and with a hope that it was made harmlessly, but do correct it.
Start with getting back on the straight path, but how do I do that if I do not know what the “straight path” is? When was the last time you read a book about the founding of this country or of your state? When was the last time that you read the Constitution of the United States of America, The Bill of Rights, or the Declaration of Independence? If you are like me, until today, you have not read them since you were in school and were going to be tested on these magnificent documents. Once you have read these documents, the foundational documents of this country, you will have a better idea of what the dreams of our founders were.
Why am I suggesting that you read these documents? How many times do you hear, watch or read a news article where actions are taken based on these documents? Do you take for granted that those who report the news also provide you the truth?
We need to know what the groundwork is for everything that regulates our lives.
Have you heard about the “Separation of Church and State”? Well, it is not in the Constitution, nor is it in the Bill of Rights, yet you will hear people state it as if it were gospel. In order to understand where this misconception came from we need to read the basic document that people clam this came from, a letter from President Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptists.
What other documents or books would you recommend that people read to get a better idea of the foundation of their rights?
— Mark Twain
Call to Action
1) Read or listen to these documents and do it more than once. They are tightly intertwined and in reality can not exist without the other.
2) When you hear someone misquoting any of these documents realize that they are doing so because they do not know the truth or are pushing their own agenda.
3) Correct the misquote when ever possible. Do it gently and with a hope that it was made harmlessly, but do correct it.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Reformation Vs Revolution
If I were to ask you about the state of America what would you say? If I were to ask you about the condition of the State in which you live in, what would you say? If I were to ask you about the shape of your town, what would you say? If I were to ask you about the shape of home what would you say?
Would you say that it is time for a revolution or a reformation? I think it is time that we go through a reformation in the United States. Not just go through, but to initiate. If we are going to start a reformation we need to know what it means. The definition of reformation that I think fits here is: “rescuing from mistake and returning to a just track”.
All of this means that we will need to put in something that most of us have very little of and that is time. We need to put in the time to be aware of where we have gone off course, because when we find where we have strayed and correct ourselves we can better see what is happening in our homes, towns, states and country.
“More persons, on the whole, are humbugged by believing in nothing, than by believing too much” P.T. Barnum
Call to Action
1) To use a sports metaphor, we need to ‘get back to the basics’, you know this is a ball, this is a bat, etc. Why was this Country founded?
2) In order to get back to the right track we need to understand the ‘track’ we were on. Start at the beginning, what ideas, concepts, and beliefs was this Country founded on.
3) Know your history? That means being able to read history from a number of prospectives or as my father-in-law always said, you will end up with “his story”.
Would you say that it is time for a revolution or a reformation? I think it is time that we go through a reformation in the United States. Not just go through, but to initiate. If we are going to start a reformation we need to know what it means. The definition of reformation that I think fits here is: “rescuing from mistake and returning to a just track”.
All of this means that we will need to put in something that most of us have very little of and that is time. We need to put in the time to be aware of where we have gone off course, because when we find where we have strayed and correct ourselves we can better see what is happening in our homes, towns, states and country.
“More persons, on the whole, are humbugged by believing in nothing, than by believing too much” P.T. Barnum
Call to Action
1) To use a sports metaphor, we need to ‘get back to the basics’, you know this is a ball, this is a bat, etc. Why was this Country founded?
2) In order to get back to the right track we need to understand the ‘track’ we were on. Start at the beginning, what ideas, concepts, and beliefs was this Country founded on.
3) Know your history? That means being able to read history from a number of prospectives or as my father-in-law always said, you will end up with “his story”.
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