Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Cutting your electric bill

"Energy conservation is the foundation of energy independence." Tom Allen

Never wait for a bureaucracy to save you when a threat is eminent.

“The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased, and not impaired, in value." Theodore Roosevelt

Turn off those appliances that are not being used. I use a power strip to turn off my entertainment center (TV, receiver, DVD player, etc) at night when I turn off the television and do not turn it back on until I am ready to watch the television.

Do you have a spare room with a television, radio, etc? Then unplug them when no one is in there. This seems to drive my wife nuts when I turn off the clocks in the spare room, but it takes a minute to reset the clock when we have company staying in the room.

“They can't do without electricity. They can do with less electricity." Kenneth Lay

I believe that being a pragmatic country we can overcome any obstacle that we are now facing if we work together. Where are the Edison’s and Einstein’s, who will lead the energy “Manhattan Project”? I am sure that they are out there, waiting for some government to give them the money to follow their dream project. Or entering the 2009 X-Prize contest to create a car that gets 100 mpg as Cornell Universityalready is.

Until there is an energy program similar “Manhattan Project” we should be able to rely on the ‘small’ home style inventor for help. Someone out there should be able to come up with a way to:
  • provide enough power (solar, wind, etc) to supply a typical home with electricity during the day to reduce the load on the power grid
  • control those vampire electrical units in the house and turn them off when we are not using them
  • more efficient appliances

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