Now our houses of worship are stifled by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). An act that I believe violates of the Constitution because it interferes with the “Free Exercise thereof”.
If that had happened in the years prior to the American Revolution would we be an independent nation? I believe that what we need now are people in the pulpit willing to stand up and talk about what is wrong with out world, country, states and families. What we need is those in congress and the senator to follow the oath they swore prior to entering the office they now hold. If it was anything that I swore when I joined the army, I swore allegiance to the Constitution of the United States.
I also should have included the Declaration of Independence in the list of documents to read. Thank you for pointing that out.
Action Items
- Read the Constitution of the United States (listen to the Constitution
- Read the (your) Bill of Rights (listen to the Bill of Rights
- Read the Declaration of Independence (listen to the Declaration of Independence
"Science may have found a cure for most evils, but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all: the apathy of human beings." — Helen Keller
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